What does the trump card mean? The role of cards in Poker

What does the trump card mean and how to apply this card effectively in Poker? This is a question that many players are interested in and learn about. If this is the problem of most players, then PHCASH would like to answer that question in today’s article. Let’s follow along to understand this card better!

What does the trump card mean in the card game Poker?

What does the trump card mean in the card game Poker?

In Poker, we are very familiar with what is called trump cards. Normally, in the way of playing this sport, the players will be given the first 2 cards, including one face-up and one open. The face-down card is also called the trump card, only the owner of the card knows. get the value of this card. The trump card can be combined with the cards of the deck to create flushes, straight jacks, etc.

In Poker, trump cards play a very important role in bringing drama and tension to both viewers and players. That will be the last card revealed to find the winner. Spectacular odds are based on this trump card.

During the process of registering to play, we can use our intelligence and acumen to judge and identify our opponent’s trump cards. From there, know whether the opponent’s card set is strong or weak. The trump card is also the key for players to effectively apply playing strategies.

How to apply the trump card?

How to apply the trump card?

Putting aside what the trump card means, what we need to worry about now is how to apply the trump card effectively, accurately, and according to the rules. This is probably the question that players need an answer to. In that case, please join us in clarifying the above issues!

Combine face-up cards

The trump card with the face-up cards will form a complete set of cards, from which we can proceed to compare the value of the cards on both sides. And if the trump card is a beautiful card like cards of great value, or great quality,… it will bring dominance and advantage in the betting game. If you feel the card is beautiful and within reach, make your opponent realize the problem.

Especially, in the early stages of the match, when each player only has 2 cards, if the first face-up card with the trump card is quite nice, you can come up with a reasonable betting strategy to lure your opponent. into the trap. However, at this stage, only 2 cards appear and cannot say anything, so you need to consider before giving a large amount of money to bet according to the cards.

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Combine performances

If in a bad case, right from the first 2 cards you will realize that the card is not good from the trump card. You can choose to fold, however, if you have reached the 4th card you need to calm down and rely on the mystery and curiosity about your opponent’s trump card combined with your card presentation to create an overwhelming state of cards. , deceive opponents. However, you also need to stay calm, have a stable state, and neutralize your emotions well.

Principles for choosing beautiful erasers

Principles for choosing beautiful erasers

If you want to gain an advantage from the early stages of the first match, it is indispensable to have a strong trump card. Does everyone know the principles of drawing trump cards? Let us send everyone a few basic principles for choosing beautiful cards.

A with a strong kicker is better than A with a weak kicker, i.e. AK > AQ > AJ >…

Cards of the same suit will be counted more than cards of different suits, of the same suit will have a high chance of forming a flush, if you are lucky it will be a flush.

Connected cards have an advantage over non-connected cards, the chance of winning is higher

If the trump card and the face-up cards are a pair, the ratio of strong cards will increase, and the chance of matching a gray suit is also very high, even four of a kind.

Right from the beginning, if you can choose the above-mentioned sets of troops, you will have a huge advantage in the match. Ace cards will help you make clear, accurate playing decisions, making less unnecessary mistakes when playing. In particular, to choose a good one, you need to clearly understand what the means and the superior advantages of this card.


It’s not too difficult to understand what the trump card means, what we need to aim for is the main combination between the cards when knowing the as well as the principles to help you recognize good hands using 2 cards. Firstly. Hopefully, the content we share will answer everyone’s questions about trump cards.

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